Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Soon, I will share with you all of the fabulous details as to how Team Bumblebee came about.  Long story short - it was "founded" by Ryder, my miracle of a 5 year old son, who successfully raised almost $16,500- for the Alberta Children's Hospital back in February!  Needless to say we now have "the bug", and will continue to dream BIG of ways to 'Pay It Forward'.  (So stay tuned!!!)

For now though, I would like try my best to direct your attention to the importance of a new campaign coming to us through Twitter, called "#MiracleMoms".  10 Mommy Bloggers from Canada and the U.S. are introducing us to 10 amazing families, who have depended on our Children's Hospitals in great times of need.  These awesome Bloggers will bring us different stories of beautiful children, full of love and hope, all while raising awareness and funds for their hospitals.

As I've thought about writing this post, and the raw passion I feel for helping the ACHF, I think about how easily some people may shy away from such a campaign... scared to see pictures of gloom - children in pain, crying and sad.  I understand that.  I am the first to admit that I change the channel as fast as I can, when the music starts playing and the faces of sad, hungry, impoverished children in third world countries show up on my screen.  But as I write this, I vow to change that.  And I vow to try to help change the way you think about our own Children's Hospitals.

Of course the halls are brightly decorated - paintings by children, toys for all sizes and the smiling faces of nurses as they pass you in the halls.  That's a given.  But beyond that, it must all be sadness and tears?  Not as I see it, and I don't think that you'd meet a single person that would disagree with that.

Sure there are terribly sad things going on - things that should never happen to a child, let alone anyone else.  There are kids struggling in Intensive Care right now, children waiting for heart surgery, babies born too early to survive without assistance & kids fighting for their lives after unthinkable accidents.  There is Cancer and chemo, complications of Cystic Fibrosis and Diabetes, paralysis and Ventilators, birth defects and life support amongst conditions most of us have never heard of.

And that is why those precious kids are there, under the care of the best of the best.  These hospitals aren't just buildings that accommodate our children, they specialize in our kids, and know them darn near better they we do.

But it's not what you think - There is also a myriad of things that are going as thousands of children and families roam the halls every day... maybe for a follow up with their Cardiologist, an assessment for a developmental delay, an annual check up after a surgery done years ago, an ultrasound that requires a special machine or an eye appointment.  There are siblings visiting a little brother after his tonsils were removed, a past patient delivering teddy bears to present patients, volunteers there to cuddle little babies, a Mom headed back home after filling her little girls prescription at the pharmacy and a Dad returning a book to the Hospital library.  The halls are buzzing with hope and with love and with the wisdom that will care for our children for all the generations to come.

It wasn't until I walked through the doors of the Alberta Children's Hospital with my 2 day old son almost 6 years ago, that I knew anything about what went on inside.  I certainly had my own preconceived notions, but really never had any reason to think about it at all.  More than anything, I now know what is inside... love.

As I look at my 5 year old boy, I am constantly reminded of how lucky we all are to have such places so close to home.  Even if it's not as close as you'd like it to be... it's there.  The pure excitement and emotions that come to me when we get to go for a check up with our perfectly healthy son is a privately self professed quirk of mine.  The joy that fills my heart when we drive into the parkade is truly indescribable.  We have a dream team of specialists that follow our son, and greet us with equal excitement and love at every appointment.  We have friends, beautiful memories and a second family.  I thank God for all of these things every day.  I thank God that I am a #MiracleMom.

If you've ever had a sick child, you know "that feeling"...  Up all night, worrying about a fever that often comes with the territory of colds that seem to be never-ending.  Maybe it's wishing you could trade places with your little guy, who is sick with the flu for the first time or perhaps you've had to scoop up your little one in the middle of the night, for a trip to the emergency room, "just to be safe".

  • As Moms, we aren't meant to be walking/talking medical dictionaries - but #MiracleMoms are.
  • We aren't supposed to know how to insert a naso-gastric tube - but #MiracleMoms do.
  • We shouldn't know how to flush a line with saline or change an IV bag - #MiracleMoms do.
  • We should be looking forward to tomorrows' soccer game - #MiracleMoms are praying for tomorrows' test results.
And so here we are... Following the stories of some amazing kids through some fabulous bloggers that have committed their time to raising awareness to the importance of the hospitals that are dedicated to "our" children.  They are bringing to light the bravery of families, and the heroism and strength of kids up against all sorts of odds.  And in between that, they've each pledged to raise $1000.  (x10!)

And so a CHALLENGE is born!!!

I have taken the first step in this "Team Bumblebee CHALLENGE" for #MiracleMoms 
and made a donation of $50.

I CHALLENGE you to do the same.  I CHALLENGE you to meet that, beat that, 
or simply donate what you can.  Invite your girlfriends over for coffee 
and donate the $20 you may have spent going out.  
Use this as an opportunity to teach your fortunate children about what
Children's Hospitals are ask if they'd like to donate part of their allowance?
There are SO many ways that we can help and say thank you.
If you've been looking for a way to give back for incredible care you may
have received, now is that time!
An incredible way to unite and make a difference is to continue this CHALLENGE... 
Make a donation, shout it from the rooftops and reissue this special CHALLENGE
 to your own circle of friends and family!!!
Please use your social media powers to share, tweet and re-tweet your hearts out.
Let's continue to help make this exceptional care available to us.
I know this can work.

I think that we can knock the socks off of these big-hearted bloggers, plugging away to make a difference in the lives of our children and the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals 
that care for them with all they have!

Make sure to comment on these blogs and share what you are doing to help!

From the bottom of our Team Bumblebee hearts,
Thank you!

Check out #MiracleMoms on Twitter
and check out these wonderful blogs...


  1. Thanks for all you have done and continue to do on behalf of sick & injured children. Thrilled you are enjoying #MiracleMoms

    1. I will do it forever!!! Just so excited to have finally figured out ways to try and give back. It will never be enough.
      Thank you:)

  2. **applauding**
    I hope people take the challenge and together, we make a HUGE difference!
    My own daughter spent time at the Stollery, so I am more than proud to be a #MiracleMoms.

    Love your post, let's all make this spread like wildfire!!

    1. I would love nothing more than for this to turn into wildfire for you guys!!!
      From my experience, people LOVE a great challenge and I hope to have lots of fun with this one!!
      All of these hospitals are so deserving!
      I definitely have a soft spot for the Stollery and ACH though;)
      Thanks for your comment and best of luck!

  3. Thanks Julie...I am going to share your post right now on my Facebook page and Twitter...and will continue sharing it throughout the campaign. I appreciate your passion as you have been a #miraclemom yourself!

    Thanks for all you are doing for us! :)

    1. It's been so fun to help out! Thanks for sharing... I hope it will encourage people to give & to follow #MiracleMoms!
      Good luck reaching your goal. It's been nice "meeting" you!
